Deliver your holiday gift on a personal visit or with a hand written greeting and the gesture not only gets noticed but remembered.
Which is important because of the psychology of gifting. Gifts to customers, or prospective ones, offer a hold-in-your-hand example of the value you put on the relationship. And who doesn’t like getting something they didn’t expect? If the promotional product ties into your business somehow… as a writer I might choose to give a nicepen, while my electrician might select a magnet or calendar — so his name is on hand all year long. The thinking is that anyone who has been given something of value by a business experiences a subtle form of indebtedness — the recipient now wants to give you something.
That something is often their business.
If you haven’t given this a thought yet, it’s still not too late. You can send a New Year’s gift that will make a nice impression. By working with an experienced promotional consultant you’ll be able to find an item that’s right for your budget and your business. Today’s selection of giveaways is almost endless… another great reason promotional consultants are a valuable asset. These pros work with all kinds of businesses, all size budgets and events — they’ve seen different designs and color combinations and can give you some great hints on what works, plus help you steer clear of choices that could end up being a costly mistake.
After you’ve selected a giveaway, use the time it takes for the product to be manufactured to think about how you will give the item to customers. Larger, more expensive giveaways can be presented alone, while smaller items are wonderful combined with home baked goodies or chocolates, small plants or flowers, or gift baskets along with your products… all are unique ways to present your giveaway sure to be remembered all year long.
Delivering your gift, during the holidays or anytime, is your chance to really shine. It’s a great opportunity for an upbeat, face to face meeting with a customer… no selling just casual and fun. These types of exchanges are so important if you want to maintain these business relationships.
And remember, giveaways don’t have to be elaborate or expensive. A well made item that’s truly useful… a flashlight or ice scraper for example… given with simple, personal wishes is going to last forever, give your business tons of exposure and stand head and shoulders above anything else.