They’re affordable, useful and one of the most effective promotional tools out there — refrigerator magnets. We’ve mentioned them here before, but I just came across a segment from a CBS Sunday Morning, On the Enduring Attractions of Fridge Magnets and it reminded me what kind of power the simple refrigerator magnet really has. These magnets collect on that central point in the central room of most homes, and they hang there for a good long time.
Even experts find the kitchen a fascinating place. It’s certainly the busiest room in many homes. A place that tells you a lot about a family without words. Look around your own, or another’s and see if this isn’t true. As one of the central parts of a home, the kitchen gives clues about the people living there that they are making no effort to create. So a pretty honest view.
Here’s the video in case you’re curious. I totally agree with the idea of the fridge being sort of an art gallery of your family’s life… a visual history that creates itself in a way. Those magnets hold schedules, report cards, projects… they’re all there in the center of things. As the kids get older, the crayon covered papers go away, but the magnets stay and hold other things… team photos, mementos from a trip, awards and the like.
Just think about how many times each day you go to the fridge. Researchers from Purdue University estimate that the door to the fridge might be opened as many as 50 times a day.
So even though a reported 30% of fridges sold are stainless — and magnets don’t stick to stainless — the refrigerator magnet is not going away anytime soon. There are still those who love them… and use them on the sides if not the front of the stainless fridge, as well as on filing cabinets, lockers, other appliances (washer/dryer), toasters, tool cabinets, fuse boxes and water heaters.
In fact, there are still many, many places where the magnets hang proudly — a recent CBS News telephone poll found that over eight in 10 Americans (87%) have magnets on their fridges right now. Half keep five or more magnets, 30% of respondents said they had more than 10 magnets on the fridge. So you can see refrigerator magnets aren’t going anywhere.
If you’d like to take advantage of the visibility and popularity of refrigerator magnets, there are a dizzying array of options for you to choose. Talking with a pro who has seen many magnet styles, sizes and color combinations is a good idea before you invest your hard earned dollars.
Of course our team is here to help… when you’re ready.
Refrigerator Magnets Stick Around, Get Noticed
- Published By Susan Morgan
- Posted in, Fun Stuff
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