How do you show your employee’s that you appreciate them? As March 4th is Employee Appreciation Day, it’s important to look at whether or not your workers know how much they are valued!
Hard workers deserve a pat on the back every once in a while. In fact, not doing so can cost you big time. Employees who feel underappreciated are more likely to leave the company. This means that you will have a shortage of workers for a time, which stalls your profits, and then you have to hire others. Hiring others can also be costly as you deal with training and possibly paying for essentials, such as tools. Besides, it’s much easier to keep your current employees than to find new ones.
There are several different ways that you can show your thanks. One way is handwritten cards. Yes, I know it sounds cheesy, but they really do work! Sitting down and taking the time to write out what you specifically appreciate about individuals lets them know that you are paying attention to them personally. It’s not a generic “thank you for your work,” which can seem more like a platitude. Actual examples of what the person does well can make a difference.
You can also show your appreciation through gifts. Big or small, people love getting gifts. It makes them feel cared about and lets them know that they are on your mind. Some companies will choose to give out awards to employees who reach certain goals. You may also choose to give out corporate gifts for those who go above and beyond. And then, of course, bonuses are always nice.
Make sure you show your appreciation to those who do all of the hard work. Salespeople, customer service reps, janitors, and everyone else all play certain roles in your company – and they all need to be valued.