This is a fun site, and a useless diversion! And it’s rather difficult to boot.
In my job I mess with fonts all day and all night. Most of our clients are not huge organizations with binders full of Graphics Requirements. They have fonts they like, and use those fonts for their logos, ads, and overall branding. Usually I get to work with these in JPG format: totally not usable for print. So the art has to be redrawn/reset. That’s where the font fun starts for us.
Take a shot at this link: The Rather Difficult Font Game
You’ll be amazed what you think you know, but really don’t.
The Rather Difficult Font Game
- Published By Rich Graham
- Posted in Brand Development, Fun Stuff, Ideas
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Rich Graham
Purveyor of branded swag and merch. Host to 3 kidneys. Uncredited contributor at @nbcsnl Chief Imagination Officer at @bigpromotions. Podcaster at