The Importance of Employee Recognition

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People love recognition. Even people who want to work ‘behind the scenes’ want to be thanked for all that they do. Recognizing when someone rocks at what they do is a great way to lift someone up, which helps improve what they’re already doing so well. And it’s not just something that is nice to do… it’s important to your company. In an article from, I learned so much about employee recognition.

The most astounding piece of information I found was that “69% of employees would work harder if they felt their efforts were better appreciated.”

That’s huge.

For those who don’t know, incentive programs are set up to give employees that proverbial pat on the back in order to incentivize them to continue peak performance. These programs can come in many different forms. Some may offer gift cards, personalized products, or awards. Some may be involved in a cash back system, which is particularly great for health programs that include gym memberships or health/work out equipment. A common program is, of course, “Employee of the Month.” This is a great one because it doesn’t just show the employee that management recognizes them; it is a way for the employee to receive recognition throughout the company. Imagine having your name on the wall as a top performer. That would make you want to do even better, right?

In the US, companies and organizations spend $100 billion on incentive programs. But whether it’s a program set into place or just a quick “thank you” (millennials tend to need immediate recognition!), simply acknowledging someone’s hard work can go a long way for them – and for your company.

Picture of AJ Jewell

AJ Jewell

Amber "AJ" Jewell started at in 2016 as a part-time admin assistant, quickly moving to be the 'Duchess of Flow" - making sure that the office is flowing smoothing. AJ is also an award-nominated author, homeschooling parent of three, an avid reader, and a college student.
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