And that something is the calendar. Whether it’s hanging on a wall, stuck to your filing cabinet or sitting atop your desk, the calendar remains a standard that we seem to want to hold onto.

How can this be? According to an online piece in Promo Marketing Magazine…
- Calendars are familiar… we grew up with them, and it’s hard to imagine not having one hanging in your kitchen or pinned to the wall of your cubicle.
- Customers come to expect calendars as the year draws to a close, and complain loudly when the new calendar isn’t available. It’s a habit, and old habits do die hard.
- Calendars are an affordable, visible way to get your business name and number noticed — not just by one person, but by many, many pairs of eyes.
With all this going for them, it’s no wonder promotional calendars have held their own and remained a popular choice for promoting a business. If you decide to use this approach, be sure to choose a quality calendar constructed to last so your business name and number look as good in December as they did in January.
You’ll also want to give some thought to the type of calendar that would be most valued by your customers. For certain lines of business, such as banking and real estate, a full color wall calendaris a must. For other businesses, magnetic calendars can be a great choice. Pocket styles, even in this age of Blackberry’s and cell phones, are still staples many people can’t live without.
No matter what style you choose, putting your business name, logo and phone number on a quality calendar is a great way to build business… all year long!