Ah – it’s the last day of the year. The beginning of another year usually results in looking back at the past year to see how we can improve ourselves. 2020 was a wild ride, but hopefully 2021 will be much smoother.
For me, I try to look back over the past several years. Sure, examining last year is great, both in life and in business. But taking a look at the past several can be extremely beneficial, too. How have the years long gone effected the way that I live my life now? Have there been any patterns that I can stop in the future? What goals can I make based on struggles I’ve dealt with before? One way to get a better glimpse is to write a letter to your former self. Yes, I know it sounds like a cheesy writing prompt – but it works! So what would you tell your, let’s say, 16-year-old self to better prepare you for the world of being an adult? We could probably give them a ton of sage advice. Let’s see what I can come up with…
Dear 16-year-old Amber,
How’s it going? Actually, I know how it’s going. I’m you. I just wanted to send you some positive information, some tips to help you out in the future. Hopefully it will help you become a better person and feel more comfortable with taking on this world.
First off, build your confidence. You’re amazing, so act like it! You have a strength within you that will move mountains. Use that strength to push through life’s hurdles – and yes, there will be plenty of hurdles. But you don’t have to give in to the self-doubt. Know that you’re a force to be reckoned with and let no one convince you otherwise.
You also need to learn to fake it ’til you make it. I know how much you hate that phrase but, man, it’s so very applicable. Sometimes, when you feel like you have hit rock bottom, you just need to push through so that you can come out the other side. When you don’t know how to solve a problem in life, keep going until you find that solution. Keep going in spite of the difficulties of life and you’ll be alright.
Remember that a job is just a job. Don’t live to work; simply work to live. Find something you enjoy, but remember that life isn’t all about the money. Make the money you need and then spend it doing what you love. That could be going on vacations with your family (and yes, you need to take vacations!), indulging in a new hobby, or donating your time and money to a nonprofit.
The most important piece of advice I can you, younger self, is to live your life passionately. Pursue your dreams and always stand up for your beliefs. Don’t be scared to piss people off. Love fiercely and act kindly. Find your spark and give it some air – and never let that fire die.
Your more experienced, somewhat wiser self
P.S. – Enjoy food. Don’t worry about what others think, and don’t let your emotions affect your eating habits. Food is just fuel for the body. Always remember that.