Most people I know complain about going into work. The day seems to go by slowly and many people don’t even enjoy the work that they do. They do their job because it pays the bills and their kids need to eat – that’s it. If you, like many others, struggle with getting through the work day, there are definitely things you can do to improve it!
- Create a playlist to get you going. Listen to music that gets you motivated, even if it’s just on the train or in the car on your way to work. If possible, keep that music going while you’re working. You can even try motivational podcasts, if that’s your thing.
- Join or create an office club or team. Company teams – such as a softball team or baking club – can be a way to relate a more enjoyable activity with your job. Any fun that you have at work will you make you more productive and engaged in what you’re doing.
- Take a few minutes each day to get up and walk around. Feeling trapped at your desk will absolutely make the day feel slower. Getting up and stretching those muscles gives you a change of scenery, so to speak, and gives your mind a much-needed break.
- Track your tasks. Productivity apps are readily available for anyone who wants to see what all they’re getting done. By tracking these milestones, it will help keep the momentum going and help you feel better about being productive.
- Give yourself a reward for completed tasks. Hand in hand with productivity trackers, you can treat yourself as a way to send off reward signals in your brain. This is a prime way to keep you pushing forward.
- Hang out with your co-workers outside of the office. This one won’t work for everybody but, if you can, take some time to get to know folks off the job. Building relationships that don’t focus on a to-do list can make for a more enjoyable work day.
- Turn “Casual Fridays” into theme days. Many companies will do Casual Fridays, where employees can wear more casual clothing into the office. Maybe you can try a theme day: Pajama Day, College Day, Movie Day, etc.