Do you enjoy sharing information? Do you always have something to say? Do you get excited being in front of a camera?
Then a podcast may be a great way for you to build up your audience!
It seems like everyone has a podcast these days. They’re easy to create and maintain, and can be shared on multiple platforms. You can choose to either do audio/visual or just audio. And you can style it however you like.
People have started becoming obsessed with podcasts because they’re a different kind of way to intake information. Some folks prefer listening or watching instead of reading, so podcasts are great for them. It also provides a way for people to interact with their favorite companies by leaving comments, reviews, or writing in to the hosts.
Share your podcast – through social media, a newsletter, email blasts, or any other way that you reach your current audience – and ask them to share! Grow your audience through all of the avenues that you typically use, and then decide if paid advertising would be a good route for you. One way you can do this is by giving a shout out to another business who agrees to pay you for the ad.
Check out The Big Promo Cast for an idea of what a fun podcast can look like. Have a podcast already or starting one? Let us know!