When going into a doctor’s office or a restaurant, I have always hated the pens. I usually keep a pen or two (or five) in my purse but sometimes I take them out and I’m forced to use the pens that are provided. All I can think about is who had touched the pen … did they wash their hands after going to the bathroom? … where did this sticky stuff come from? … were they sick?
Anything that gets passed around is going to carry germs. With COVID running rampant, more and more people are focused on a healthy, sterile lifestyle. In fact, many offices now have two cups for pens – used and unused. This is in an effort to help cut down cross contamination. But it’s not going to be perfect. So now the question arises: is there a different way that we can handle this situation?
Dr. Brian Wind, an opthalmic surgeon in Massillon, Ohio, may have the answer. He has been working for ten years on a revolutionary product. It’s called Steri-Write and is the first and only touchless pen sanitizer. Essentially, you put your pen into the product and it works inside the machine to sterilize the pen. This is a great way to take care of your employees and clients without having to risk someone else catching something just by sterilizing. Steri-Write is 99.9% effective at reducing common germs, according to the website.
“I’d noticed my pediatrician colleagues had two waiting rooms—one for sick patients and one for well visits, which is a great idea,” Dr. Wind told the Canton Repository. “But they were all using the same pens. I knew there had to be a better way.” Perhaps he has done exactly that: found a better way. In the age of COVID, this machine could not only be useful; it could potentially save lives. Between the pandemic, flu season, and other transmitted viruses and bacteria, people will absolutely be able to benefit from the Steri-Write.