Image is everything! How do your marketing materials present your company? Your business card may be your first chance to make a good impression on prospects. It can speak to the professionalism and creativity of both you and your business.
Do you look like you are in business to stay? Through the years, I’ve seen many businesses that don’t invest in professional looking collateral material. Your business cards, letterhead, brochure and self-promotion products should all be tools to position you to earn quality business. Your card is often one of the first items a prospect sees that reflects your company’s image. What image does yours convey?
When designing your card, don’t try to say too much. Text should be readable, and all the pertinent contact information should be easy to find. You must provide an e-mail and Web address on your card. E-mail is becoming the communication method of choice for many, and featuring your Web site gives you the opportunity to direct clients and prospects there, enabling them to learn more about your services. Serious prospects will check you out.
When creating a Web site and setting up an e-mail account, use a domain name. It will be more effective than using a free address like hotmail or yahoo. Those are fine for personal use, but consider the impression they make on business clients.
In addition to making your business communications look good, consider using a unique title that will enable you to stimulate a conversation about what you do. On my own business card, I use the title of “Business Construction Foreman.” It’s not only attention-getting, but it leads people to ask what a business construction foreman is. Then I have the opportunity to explain that I help people in a few ways – I help build brand awareness, build client relationships and build sales.
This article was written by Jeff Solomon for Corporate Logo Magazine. Reprinted with permission.
Jeff Solomon, CAS, BCF, is the president of All American Marketing Group and Promotion Solutions, an affiliate of HALO/Lee Wayne Corp., and the founder of For more information, visit
First Impressions On A Business Card.
- Published By Corporate Logo
- Posted in, Ideas
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