When I was a kid, I was always reading. I would many times lock myself in my room in order to read in peace. I would get in trouble for reading past my bedtime or during class. Reading allowed me to be somewhere else and immerse myself in another culture, another timeframe, or another perspective. To this day, there are some books that I read in my childhood that seriously changed my life. They helped me see things through someone else’s eyes and helped me understand the experiences of others. They changed the way that I look at things – something that I have carried with me into adulthood.
Now, as an adult, I read what I can when I can. Sometimes it’s fiction (currently making my way through Pride and Prejudice); sometimes it’s thought-provoking or teaches me something specific. I have read F U Money by Dan Lok, which very much helped my professional life. It talks about how to set financial goals, and then how to make them happen. My husband recently read The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt. The Goal discusses ways that management can focus on the right things in order to make their businesses boom.
Of course, I have to plug my own books in here, as well. In 2018, I wrote my first book called The Ultimate Client Experience. It discusses how we can keep our clients – instead of spending the time and money to find more – and how doing so affects business. Then, in 2019, I published The Ultimate Employee Experience. It takes a different aspect of business – employee retention – and goes over the questions of “why” and “how.”
Take some time to read the experiences of others and figure out how they can apply to you. You’ll be surprised at how reading can truly turn your life around!