Do you use text messaging for your marketing? It’s steadily becoming more and more common for companies to text their customers for various reasons: let them know of an upcoming sale, give words of wisdom, and simply check up on them.
About a year ago, my husband and I bought a new car. Since then, we’ve gotten texts from the sales person about different deals that are going on. After getting an email about a great deal, we texted her immediately to see if it still applied – and I’m now getting a new car. Because she kept up with us via text (and without blowing up our phones), she was able to get a second sale from us. So, obviously, text messaging your customers works.
Text messages are much more personal than emails. People tend to check text messages regularly, while they may check their personal emails a few times a day. Plus, with texts, you can get a business cell phone and contact your customers yourself. Sure, it may take a few more minutes out of your day, but the personal outreach will make a much larger impression. That impression may make the difference between a sale and a pass.
Just be careful to only send texts to those who have opted in. Not only would you be going against FCC regulations, but you would also be annoying those who have not opted in; that’s the fastest way to lose a customer.