February 13-19, 2022 is Freelancer Writers Appreciation Week. Did you know this was a thing, because I didn’t until recently. I have been a freelance writer before, so I know about the difficulty finding work, the long hours, the attempt at creativity even when having writer’s block. Freelance writing is a lot more than many people realize. So it’s great to know that the efforts are being recognized.
Many companies will uses freelancer writers for various tasks, like writing blog posts, copy for websites, and advertisements. It’s a great way to have some professionalism when maybe you’re not the greatest writer. of course, there are other freelancers out there that you can utilize as well: graphic designers, programmers, marketing professionals, and translators, to name a few. Hiring them for your business can make things run more smoothly, since you’ll have someone who is proficient.
Freelancers also bring a new perspective. Since they are not surrounded by your company on a regular basis, they can look at things as an outsider and give suggestions that you may have never thought of. They also have worked with several other companies in other industries and likely have experience in things that could also benefit you. Think of this: you, owning a retail shop, hire someone to design your website. Your freelance web designer, though, has also done websites for hospitals, electric companies, and authors. Dipping themselves in so many industries gives them an upper hand in considering what information might bring in more business.
My biggest suggestion when it comes to hiring a freelancer: don’t undercut them. Freelancers work hard at what they do, and they are just as talented as those who are hired on full time. They do the same amount of work (sometimes more, as they tend to work for long, consecutive hours) with the same results. Don’t think that you should pay them any less just because they are not a full time employee.
Give freelancers a shot and recognize the hard work that they do for everyone!