Over the past month, our country has been overwhelmed with protests. People are pissed about the coronavirus lockdown; people are pissed about the murder of George Floyd; people are pissed that others are outraged on these issues; and people from all sides of all issues are making their voices heard. And while I hold my own personal beliefs on the various situations currently being discussed, I’ll leave all of that to my personal social media and one-on-one conversations. I am, however, writing not as a business professional or a blogger today. I am coming to you right now as a fellow human being – an individual that is intrinsically a part of the human race.
2020 has, so far, been a year of stress, anguish, and fear. All over social media, I’ve started seeing the joke about Apocalypse Bingo, where you play bingo with all of the nightmares going on lately. (Humor is probably my favorite defense mechanism.) But through all of this, what are we doing?
In these moments, days, and weeks of chaos, I hope that you find yourself going out into the world to face it head on. Go out and do good. No, I don’t mean, “do well.” I mean, “do good.” Some people are creating gardens and providing food for others. Some folks are fighting against injustice – which is viewed differently by different people. Some are just checking in on others. That may be all that you’re able to do, but it will mean the world to those who need it.
Do some good in this world. We all need it everyday, but especially right now. Do good for yourself, your children, and your fellow man. Create a legacy that you want others to remember you by. Only you can decide what you want that to look like.