The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in employment, government services, public accommodations and commercial facilities. In addition to prohibiting such discrimination, it sets standards for removing architectural barriers in the built environment. But what if you have employees who are already disabled? What do they need to know about your business? This blog post will cover how to best accommodate employees who have disabilities through changes in the physical space or adjusting job duties so they can work without limits!
One of the easiest ways to help out your employees is by removing physical barriers. Put in ramps and elevators to make sure that those who need assistance walking can do so with ease. I was once stuck on the first floor of a building because my walker couldn’t make it up the stairs, and they had no elevator. (For the record, I had to use the men’s room because the ladies’ room was on the second floor. It was embarrassing.)
Another accommodation that you can offer is regarding seating. If your employees typically have to stand in one spot all day, be willing to give them a chair or stool to sit on. You can also get a standing desk for those who cannot sit for long periods of time. These things will help those with sciatica or other back problems.
Be willing to purchase items that can best help those who need it. Ergonomic keyboards and wrist rests are perfect for those who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. You may need to get an extra computer monitor so that someone with poor eyesight can increase the size of what they see on the screen.
I want to encourage you, as an employer or coworker, to do what you can to help your employees who may need a little extra. This might include changing work processes so that they are more accommodating for people with disabilities and providing equipment or tools that will make their job easier. They may be able to complete the same tasks as someone without a disability but just needs some assistance in doing it. And if we take this approach of helping everyone out then we’ll all benefit from it.