With today being Thanksgiving, I want to encourage everyone to reflect on what they have. This year has been a dumpster fire – between COVID outbreaks, a crazy election, and working from home becoming the new normal. There have been quite a few celebrity deaths, leaving us wishing for more from Sean Connery, Kobe Bryant, Chadwick Boseman, Regis Philbin, Whitey Ford, Eddie Van Halen, and many more. Despite all of this, plenty of great things have happened this year, as well. Though we’ve been continuing our social distancing, we seem to all have come together and come closer through the trials of 2020. We’ve worked through our anxiety and taken to leading healthier lives. There is so much to be thankful for this year.
For me, personally, I’ve had the honor of working with my husband through a very difficult campaign. I’ve been able to spend more time with my kids and worked toward making this world a better place. Here are some other wonderful things that have happened this year, for myself and others:
More educational opportunities
Thanks to online classes and virtual conferences, the world has become even more so at our fingertips. Many industry professionals have worked their way into our homes to teach us and connect. People have begun going to virtual trade shows, where they are learning from the pros. Folks are also taking courses through college, Masterminds groups, and even online art classes. There have become no limits to learning.
Increased motivation
Many of us have had much more time on our hands as we’ve been stuck in the house. Luckily, that also means that many of us had nothing to do – which has increased our desire to step outside of the box. Maybe you taught yourself a new skill. Maybe you learned a new language. Maybe you started creating more of whatever it is you create. Whatever you did, perhaps you – like so many others – found the time and energy to do what you love.
Follow dreams
I’ve seen so many people starting new businesses, getting engaged, going to school, or giving their all to their other passions this year. For too long, we have all made a habit of putting off our goals. This year has given us all the perfect opportunity to go forth and prosper. Like motivation, we’ve been able to really evaluate what we want out of life and how to get there. Having the chance to do so has kicked many of us into gear on pursuing our dreams.
Learning to slow down
Another great aspect of this year has been the slowing down that we have bestowed upon ourselves. Especially with the craziness of this year, it’s been imperative that we take some time to regroup and relieve some stress. We have treated ourselves to self care routines. We have worked on patience (which has been necessary with the kids at home). And we have taken the opportunities to simply breathe.
Making necessary adjustments
Sometimes you just have to get a bit creative! Particularly for professionals / business owners, we’ve had to make some adjustments in various areas. Learning to readjust our lives and how we participate in the world around us has been difficult; but we have definitely overcome. A lot of us made changes in our marketing tactics while others had to decide on working in-person vs. at-home. This year has definitely been a test of flexibility.
Meeting new people
There has been a new trend of social online video calls that has taken off this year. Because of social distancing, we haven’t been able to go to our favorite restaurants, bars, or even friends’ houses. So, in lieu of that, we’ve taken to the internet. There has been everything from Zoom karaoke to Skype dates! Keeping close to friends and family has never been easier, now that the world is relying on video conferences.
What are YOU thankful for this year? Tag us on Facebook or Twitter and let us know!