Today, as we focus on Read Across America Day, we should acknowledge a birthday that has made a difference in the art of reading. Dr. Seuss is known as one of the best children’s authors out there. Some of his personal life has been a bit controversial, but his writings for children have made a huge impact. Whether it’s teaching to read through silly books or educating on the world around us, Dr. Seuss has changed the way that children – and adults – look at their lives.
The quote above is from his book ‘Oh, the Places You’ll Go,’ which happens to be one of my favorites. In fact, when I graduated high school, all of the students were given a copy of the book. (Yes, it’s even relevant to teenagers.) I love this quote because it brings to mind the idea of creativity. It’s important to create new things, but also to use a bit of logic on how you can incorporate new ideas into your life.
Many of you who read our blogs are business owners or executives. Maybe you’re in charge of marketing. No matter your position, it’s crucial to “think and wonder; wonder and think.” Businesses are born through this. You can’t start a new business without a dream. Then, once you decide upon acting on that dream, you have to think about the hardships – getting everything in order so that you can start the business.
Don’t ever give up on this. Always be willing to create something new. Be inspired by other people, things that you see, and new experiences. Takes notes on everything around you. Then, take those ideas and formulate an outline of how can you make this dream a reality. Make a plan and follow through. Remember: done is better than perfect. Get those creative juices flowing and be willing to adjust along the way.
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” – Dr. Seuss