Do you want to spread a little love with your business?
Many companies participate in humanitarian efforts. Some will choose what they do and who they support based on issues that are near and dear to the hearts of the management. Others may poll their employees to see what would be best received. No matter how it is chosen, companies can do a lot of good for others through this. Here are just a few ideas on ways that you and your company can help make the world a better place:
Donations – Check out your budget and see if you can allot for a donation. You can also consider donating items instead. Whether you donate extra items that you produce or recruit employees to donate items, it can make a huge difference.
Fundraising – There are several fundraising programs out there. Schools and various organizations use them all the time. Get your employees involved by selling candy bars, popcorn, or coupon books.
Awareness Events – Several nonprofits host events regularly to raise awareness. A great example of this is a race-for-the-cure. Many organizations will do this annual event in which all employees can participate.
Some companies don’t feel comfortable being associated with any specific organization or cause. That’s perfectly okay! But for those who strive to use their businesses for good in the world, remember to get as many people involved as possible. The more you can bring in, the more of a difference you can make!