Most people know of the major holidays that give a shout out of appreciation to certain people: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, etc. But what about the other days of the year?
People enjoy knowing that they are appreciated. They love knowing that their hard work is recognized. It’s an esteem booster, as well as motivation to continue working at their best. So why would we wait for a special time – typically only once a year, at that – to acknowledge the important things that people do?

Yesterday was my one-year wedding anniversary. One of the things that I deeply love and appreciate about my husband is that he doesn’t wait until an anniversary or Valentine’s Day to make sure that he shows recognition of what all I do, as well as how much he loves me. He makes sure to show me every day that he chooses me, that he loves me, and that he is always here as my partner.
In business, we often forget that those with whom we work also need that recognition. We all need that gentle pat on the back, the silent (or vocal) “I see you.” Whether it’s your employees, your clients, or even your vendors, it’s important to show that acknowledgement. People who know that they’re working hard for a reason tend to continue working hard.
So what does this look like? This could be as simple as an email to a vendor saying, “Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all of your hard work in helping to make my customers happy.” Maybe it’s sending a thank you gift to your top clients – just because. It could also mean giving an award for a top-ranking salesman after closing a large deal. These are just a few options of continuing to create fantastic relationships with those with whom you work.
Before you leave work today, give a thank you to the receptionist. She deals with all of the phone calls that you simply don’t have time for. Send an email to a client who continues to trust you with their business. Then go home and thank your spouse for everything they do. Give your child a hug for taking care of their small – albeit important – responsibilities. They all deserve it.