Note: This is a personal piece and reflects the author’s personal opinions. BigPromotions does not endorse any political party.
Over this past weekend, I went to a state convention in Oklahoma for a political party. (If you’ve watched the Big Promo Cast, I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about my involvement with the Libertarian Party.) I had a great time while I was there – sans getting attacked by bugs. The people were great and I got to spend quite a bit of time with a former vice presidential candidate. The experience was definitely a fun one.
Of course, while there, my mind drifted to the swag that was all over the place. While one caucus had just some paper stapled together with information, another one had some actual brochures on different topics, as well as buttons based on their platform. Having their promo products placed on a table drew in several people, who in turn stayed to learn more about the caucus. #PromoProductsWork
Toward the end of the first day, former vice presidential candidate Spike Cohen had some swag bags that he sold. All the proceeds from the swag bags went to the Oklahoma Libertarian Party, which ended up being a great fundraiser. The bag included an autographed photo, an embossed wristband, and two pins – one of which had his catchphrase, “You are the power.”
A lot of people think of swag bags as freebies; they can be simple bags that have a few products to promote. But they don’t always have to be just that. They can be sold individually or even raffled off. Swag bags can also be given away with coupons inside, good for purchases at the event. There are several ways that you can use swag bags or any other type of packaged products. If you have your own event or idea, feel free to contact us so that we can help you get started. Some people think that swag bags are going out of style; but I say that they’re often the perfect gift for the right event.