Did you know that 75 million people in the U.S. watch online videos every day? That’s a huge audience, with about half of them watching on a mobile device. Think of how well that can get your brand out there daily no matter where the consumer is.
Video marketing is one of the most powerful forms of marketing out there. Videos can make you stand out from your competitors, give your viewers a visual way to remember you, and help build trust with your audience. Google loves grabbing videos for their search engine results pages (SERPs). All this means that video content helps boost SEO rankings—which in turn leads to more traffic and increased conversions!
Creating video content doesn’t have to be difficult. You can be as simple or elaborate as you want. Need some ideas? Videos can be you showing off your products. You can do a vlog (a video blog) of a day in your industry. You can also do animated videos that grab the public’s attention.
Video content is proven to boost conversion rates. Put one on your landing page or throughout your social media. Adding a video to a marketing email also grabs your readers’ attention and allows your brand to speak for itself. All of these make you even more visible to your potential customers through action.
Don’t forget: social media users love sharing on their pages. Videos on your social media encourage spreading the message around. You can choose to put the same video on all of your social platforms – so that no one misses a great video – or create different videos for different platforms. Sometimes your audience will differ depending on the site, so make sure that you know your audience.
Videos are a great way to create content that your customers will enjoy. They also have the potential to go viral and reach people who wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to what you’re selling. If you don’t already have video marketing on your radar, it’s time to give it some thought as this can help drive more sales for your business!