Many Americans take pride in their country, with patriotism overflowing. One of the ways that we tend to celebrate the US is by honoring our veterans. In particular, November 11 is Veterans’ Day (not to be confused with Memorial Day or Armed Forces Day). Flags are lowered, parties are had, and thanks are given. Many people – whether or not they agree with war – are willing to show that respect our veterans. They did their job in protecting this country, and they deserve our appreciation.
If you have a company that wants to recognize veterans on November 11, you have some options. Several companies provide discounted or free products/services, usually for those who bring in their DD214 (discharge papers). Something else you can do is join in a Veterans’ Day activity. Maybe your hometown is having a parade, carnival, or concert. Check out how you can become a vendor. This is a great way to put your name out there as someone who honors those who have served.
No matter what you choose to do, it’s great to pass out freebies wherever you go. Setting up a table at an event? Pass out freebies to anyone who comes along. Providing a product or service to veterans? Give them a little something to remember you by. Name recognition is important and can have a great impact on your business in the days to come.