Sometimes we have a hard time thinking of who we can reach out to. As a business owner, you are likely going to be looking for investors, employees, and referrals – to name a few. But where can you turn? Certainly, you have been networking in an effort to have more people get involved with your business. But what if you’re just starting out?
Often times, the best place you can look is in your own backyard.
Friends and family can be some of the most influential people for your business. Many of them are fine with being used as ‘guinea pigs’ for new ideas. They will give you honest feedback about products and services. You may also find some who are interested in getting involved. Dan Lok says to always start with family and friends when you’re looking for people to invest in you and your business.
People you know are also great referrals. They have a unique perspective, having seen your product or service from beginning to end. They have likely seen how you have perfected what you’re selling, compared to the ‘rough draft’ that you started with.
Don’t be so quick to shove your friends and family to the side when it comes to starting – or continuing – a business. They can be more help than you may realize.