Why does it seem to be so hard sometimes to bring in newbies?
Attracting new customers can feel like such a daunting task. It takes a huge amount of work, especially in the beginning. Oh, you’re putting in the work but still not raking in the new money? Well, perhaps you’re working on areas that aren’t as beneficial. There are four main things you need to do if you’re going to bring in new customers:
- Define your audience.
- Learn about your audience. What do they like? What do they dislike?
- Know where to find your audience.
- Sell your brand.
Very specifically, define who your target market is. Many marketers will suggest that you use an “avatar,” or an imaginary person who is your ideal customer. If you’re target audience is an athletic dad, write up a character: Joe is a 40-year-old father of two boys, married, and works in an industrial setting. Draw up as many details about the character as you can.
Once you know who your audience is, do some research. What do they do for fun? What do they like? Dislike? What are their biggest challenges in life? The more you can learn about your audience, the better you can make yourself seen by them.
Part of the research you should be doing is also finding out where to find your audience. Are there certain social media platforms that they frequent? What about physical locations that they attend? These places need to be the main arena for your marketing.
Finally, make sure that you’re selling your brand. You can sell products and services later. Put your brand in front of people and let them see what you’re all about. You want to sell them on your values, your beliefs, and the core of your company. Once a person is sold on the brand itself, the actual sales will naturally follow.
ICYMI: Winning back lost customers can be a hassle, but it’s not impossible. Check out the blog post on how to reel in the ones that got away.