My husband has been an industrial maintenance technician for almost two decades. He is great at job – which I know because he fixes everything around the house, too. He’s been in lead positions and has often been the one to troubleshoot a problem, even when no one else could. He’s pretty much a mechanical rockstar. #shamelessbrag
I often talk about the importance of showing appreciation to your employees. Many employers have no clue what to give their hard workers, though. I’d like to give a little insight on ways that industrial supervisors can give a little something to their employees.
Industrial mechanics, production technicians, and everyone else working in a plant are each a critical part of making sure that things run smoothly. When people do their jobs properly, it keeps the plant running on schedule, which of course helps revenue. These people should be thanked! So what can you send to these folks?
Many companies require apparel and hats. Save them some time and money by providing branded ball caps – and make them look nice. Employees won’t want to wear them if they look tacky. You don’t have to spend a fortune to make sure your products don’t look cheap.
Mechanics love their toolboxes. Come up with a catchy phrase, put it on a sticker, and pass them out. Your mechanics are sure to decorate their toolboxes with them. You can also give away flashlights or multi-tools to make their job a little easier.
Don’t forget about the office workers! Snacks and coffee kits are always a great way to say thank you for their hard work.
Everyone appreciates recognition. Consider doing an Employee of the Month program or giving quarterly incentives. You may want to take an employee out to lunch or have an announcement in front of the entire company. Another way to do this is through awards. You can find awards in all shapes and sizes, whatever fits your needs. Customize them with color, and the employee will love the thought that was put into it.