Keeping Your Customers Engaged During the Holidays

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I often write about customer engagement, keeping the customers happy, and doing what’s right by the customer. But what about our employees? Without them, employers everywhere would be stuck doing all of the work on their own. Employees help make sure that customers have a great experience, get the help that they need, and keep them engaged. These people often keep companies afloat. So what are we doing to make THEM happy?

Many companies have been having company holiday parties this week. These are particularly beneficial for a couple of reasons. First, there’s often a team of employees that work hard to put the party together. This not only promotes engagement, but also gives them a sense of pride that they can relate to the company. Another reason is it shows that employers understand everyone has a life outside of work. Employees greatly appreciate when this is understood; it helps them feel human, even when they’re at work. But holiday parties are just one of several ways that you can keep your employees engaged with the company. Social events and fundraisers are also great ways to get your employees involved without them feeling like it’s all about the job.

Satisfaction of your employees tells a great deal about your business as a whole. In many cases, the way you treat your employees is the same way that you will treat your customers – and we all know that we need to keep our customers happy. Check into how you can boost the morale of your employees: do some research online, take a poll, or see what others in your industry have done. Help them feel like they belong and it will all come back full circle.

BigPromotions’ Christmas lunch, 2020
Picture of AJ Jewell

AJ Jewell

Amber "AJ" Jewell started at in 2016 as a part-time admin assistant, quickly moving to be the 'Duchess of Flow" - making sure that the office is flowing smoothing. AJ is also an award-nominated author, homeschooling parent of three, an avid reader, and a college student.
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