Reliable Content
In today’s digital world, content creation is essential. But don’t just put something out there for the sake of posting. Make your content valuable – and accurate.
In today’s digital world, content creation is essential. But don’t just put something out there for the sake of posting. Make your content valuable – and accurate.
The Chinese teach the phrase Chi Ku 吃苦 – translated to “eat bitter,” which refers to buckling down in times of hardship. It creates a mindset that reminds you to push through the hard times, as difficulty is a part of life.
“If you quit on the process, you are quitting on the result.” – Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the
…A vibrant, fearless two-year-old boy…is actually one of the best communicators that I know. You may think that I’m kidding, but I’m really not. The irony is that his vocabulary right now only consists of about 75 words.
Be known as the kind, helpful, caring entity. Reward your employees for good deeds. Save the planet. Be a hero. Spread the love, then spread the word. A grand gesture while still gaining publicity… it’s a win for everyone, right?
A little over a year ago, I was ghosted by a potential client after spending weeks giving various quotes, sending samples, and discussing deadlines. She was even consistent in quickly responding with needed information for me. It was maddening because I wasted valuable time…
I despise traffic with a fiery passion. Living in the Dallas area, though, I have to deal with it on a regular basis. Every time I go out of town, particular somewhere that doesn’t have such gruesome driving conditions, my first words when I get back are usually, “I missed home but I didn’t miss Dallas traffic.”
It’s sweltering today as the heat from the sun and animosity suffocate us all. Tears flow from those who struggle with missing those who were left behind. The battlefield is full of frustration as people already begin to feel defeated – and yet the war has just begun.
Have you ever thought about how much the little charges really do turn off potential customers? “Free” can be your easiest business move.
It seems like, these days, people are jumping on the “let’s get rid of swag” bandwagon. I’ve been seeing posts left and right about how
381 Casa Linda Plaza Ste. 200
Dallas, Texas 75218 USA
381 Casa Linda Plaza Ste. 200
Dallas, Texas 75218 USA