Keeping Your Customers Engaged During the Holidays
I often write about customer engagement, keeping the customers happy, and doing what’s right by the customer. But what about our employees?…These people often keep companies afloat.
I often write about customer engagement, keeping the customers happy, and doing what’s right by the customer. But what about our employees?…These people often keep companies afloat.
Buying promotional items is something that most companies will do, sometimes multiple times a year…Many people, though, tend to get hung up on the product itself.
Many of us don’t like constructive criticism. It feels like a personal attack. I struggle with it myself. But receiving feedback is one of the best ways that we can improve ourselves.
The world around us is changing, and it’s evident to everyone. Particularly in the business world, we’re all learning how to do things a little differently.
If you’re looking at writing blog posts, it’s also a great way to market. You can let others know what’s going on in your company, what exactly you do, and why you do it.
Meetings don’t have to be treacherous…You can make your meetings much more efficient by taking just a few more steps to be better prepared. The infographic below can show you how.
Some people prefer to hold a book in their hands while others would rather use the ease of the internet. Your best bet is to figure out what works for your individual customers.
Leadership is not something to be taken advantage of. It’s a privilege to be able to help guide others through any sort of process or project.
As adults, we often forget about the life lessons that we were taught as kids. Fortunately, you can always turn back to Sesame Street.
Let’s break it down for a second: a mentorship program is a social or professional program run by an organization that links volunteers (mentors) with participants (mentees) in order to teach or guide regarding a specific subject or skill.
381 Casa Linda Plaza Ste. 200
Dallas, Texas 75218 USA
381 Casa Linda Plaza Ste. 200
Dallas, Texas 75218 USA