Be Like Galileo
It’s important to stand by your beliefs…Be willing to look at another point of view but, if you find it to be wrong, maintain your truth.
It’s important to stand by your beliefs…Be willing to look at another point of view but, if you find it to be wrong, maintain your truth.
Get the message through based on what matters to them. And remember that, many times, they’re fighting the same fights that we once did.
A year ago today, the World Health Organization officially named the coronavirus disease “COVID-19.” You guys, it’s been a year. What have we learned from this pandemic, though?
Navigating the business world can feel like roaming about the Fire Swamp, dodging Rats Of Unusual Size at every turn. But it doesn’t have to! Here are some tips from The Princess Bride on doing business, no matter your station.
The purpose of company policies is to allow everyone to be on the same page. Employees know what to expect and supervisors have a standard procedure on how to handle certain situations.
Everyone in this life wants to be successful. People have different ideas of what success looks like (anything from a six figure income to a healthy marriage) but we crave it.
“Your speed doesn’t matter. Moving forward is forward.” In a previous episode of the Big Promo Cast, I spoken about how I’m writing a third
Some clients will be unhappy no matter what you do. But it seems like, many times, customers are irritated at a lack of communication.
When we become overloaded with too many things going on, our brain becomes overwhelmed. It sees this as a threat…and releases cortisol.
I’m sure everyone has had the customer who throws a temper tantrum, expecting it to result in getting their own way. Unfortunately, a lot of people still live by the notion that “the customer is always right.”
381 Casa Linda Plaza Ste. 200
Dallas, Texas 75218 USA
381 Casa Linda Plaza Ste. 200
Dallas, Texas 75218 USA